When the customer experience moves from the digital world and crosses over to a physical experience it better meet the customers expectations or brands might miss out on a sale. And once that transaction is complete does it link that customer back into digital ecosystem again?
I've created numerous retail spaces, events and POS advertising that engages the audience, enhances their experience with the brand and pushes them towards becoming a (loyal) customer.
See a few examples below
Caroma – Concept store
Cheap competition from imports and megastores like Bunnings are devaluing brands. Caroma knew to maintain their presence in the market they'd need to build their own standalone store. But they had no idea where to start.
I lead extensive research of the current industry landscape, discovered best examples of concept stores worldwide and deep dived into our customers needs and their buying process.
The design of a unique customer experience led to a truly ground breaking store for the industry. Innovations included a moveable shelving system (this allowed the space to shift and move for events, new stock or just a refresh), physical and digital planning spaces, influencer pods, wet space, kids play space, consulting areas and a seamless digital shopping experience.

Weet-Bix – Shopper
In line with the challenges of the cereal category as a whole, we needed to grab the attention and appeal of our audience with our newly developed message in the path to purchase.
Mums want a quick but heathy breakfast option for their kids that is also low in sugar.
So, using digital screens in supermarkets we needed to quickly show a variety of healthy Weet-Bix recipes that require only a handful of ingredients.